/* xMeterMTF.mq4 Copyright © 2007, MetaQuotes Software Corp. Price Meter System™ ©GPL Hartono Setiono 5/17/2007 Redsigned based on xMeter_mini.mq4 indicator */ #property copyright "x Meter System™ ©GPL" #property link "forex-tsd dot com" #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 0 #include #include #define TABSIZE 10 // scale of currency's power !!!DON'T CHANGE THIS NUMBER!!! #define ORDER 2 // available type of order !!!DON'T CHANGE THIS NUMBER!!! extern bool AccountIsIBFXmini = false; /*extern*/ bool LoopOnInit=false; /* You can change any of the following arrays */ string aTradePair[]= {"GBPJPY"}; string aPair[] = {"EURUSD","GBPUSD","AUDUSD","USDJPY","USDCHF","USDCAD", "EURJPY","EURGBP","EURCHF","EURAUD","GBPJPY","GBPCHF"}; /* The following can also be changed but both must have the same dimension */ string aMajor[] = {"USD","EUR","GBP","CHF","CAD","AUD","JPY"}; int aMajorPos[] = {130, 110, 90, 70, 50, 30, 10}; string aOrder[ORDER] = {"BUY ","SELL "}; int aTable[TABSIZE] = {0,3,10,25,40,50,60,75,90,97}; // grade table for currency's power int PairCount; int CurrencyCount; double aMeter[]; double aHigh[]; double aLow[]; double aBid[]; double aAsk[]; double aRatio[]; double aRange[]; double aLookup[]; double aStrength[]; int aIndex[2][]; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // expert initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { int err,lastError, ps; PairCount=ArrayRange(aPair,0); CurrencyCount=ArrayRange(aMajor,0); ps=ArrayRange(aMajorPos,0); if(CurrencyCount!=ps) Print("The size of array aMajor is not equals to aMajorPos"); ArrayResize(aMeter,CurrencyCount); ArrayResize(aHigh,PairCount); ArrayResize(aLow,PairCount); ArrayResize(aBid,PairCount); ArrayResize(aAsk,PairCount); ArrayResize(aRatio,PairCount); ArrayResize(aRange,PairCount); ArrayResize(aLookup,PairCount); ArrayResize(aStrength,PairCount); init_tradepair_index(); //---- initGraph(); if (LoopOnInit) { while (true) // infinite loop for main program { if (IsConnected()) main(); if (!IsConnected()) objectBlank(); WindowRedraw(); Sleep(1000); // give your PC a breath } } //---- return(0); // end of init function } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // expert deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { //---- ObjectsDeleteAll(0,OBJ_LABEL); Print("shutdown error - ",ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); // system is detached from platform //---- return(0); // end of deinit function } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // expert start function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { //---- if (!LoopOnInit) main(); //---- return(0); // end of start funtion } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // expert custom function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void main() // this a control center { //---- double point; int index, pindex, cnt; string mySymbol; double cmeter; for (index = 0; index < PairCount; index++) // initialize all pairs required value { RefreshRates(); // refresh all currency's instrument if (AccountIsIBFXmini) mySymbol = aPair[index]+'m'; // Add "m for IBFX mini else mySymbol = aPair[index]; point = GetPoint(mySymbol); // get a point basis aHigh[index] = MarketInfo(mySymbol,MODE_HIGH); //iHigh(mySymbol,mTimeFrame,iHighest(mySymbol,mTimeFrame,MODE_HIGH,mPeriod,0)); // find highest aLow[index] = MarketInfo(mySymbol,MODE_LOW); //iLow(mySymbol,mTimeFrame,iLowest(mySymbol,mTimeFrame,MODE_LOW,mPeriod,0)); // find lowest aBid[index] = MarketInfo(mySymbol,MODE_BID); // set a last bid aAsk[index] = MarketInfo(mySymbol,MODE_ASK); // set a last ask aRange[index] = MathMax((aHigh[index]-aLow[index])/point,1); // calculate range today aRatio[index] = (aBid[index]-aLow[index])/aRange[index]/point; // calculate pair ratio aLookup[index] = iLookup(aRatio[index]*100); // set a pair grade aStrength[index] = 9-aLookup[index]; // set a pair strengh } // calculate all currencies meter for (pindex=0; pindex0) aMeter[pindex]=NormalizeDouble(cmeter / cnt,1); else aMeter[pindex]=-1; } } objectBlank(); for (pindex=0; pindex 0) ObjectSet(aMajor[pindex]+"_5",OBJPROP_COLOR,Red); if (value > 2) ObjectSet(aMajor[pindex]+"_4",OBJPROP_COLOR,Orange); if (value > 4) ObjectSet(aMajor[pindex]+"_3",OBJPROP_COLOR,Gold); if (value > 6) ObjectSet(aMajor[pindex]+"_2",OBJPROP_COLOR,YellowGreen); if (value > 7) ObjectSet(aMajor[pindex]+"_1",OBJPROP_COLOR,Lime); ObjectSet(aMajor[pindex],OBJPROP_COLOR,SkyBlue); ObjectSetText(aMajor[pindex]+"p",DoubleToStr(value,1),8,"Arial Narrow",Silver); } void paintLine() { ObjectSet("line1",OBJPROP_COLOR,DimGray); ObjectSet("line2",OBJPROP_COLOR,DimGray); }